Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui

Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui (Ph.D., University of Denver) is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Social Media, Social Movements and Social Change, and Coordinator of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University. Dr. Alaoui’s research engages critical rhetoric, political communication, digital technologies, gender and sexuality studies, transnational feminism and social change in a variety of contexts, including social movements, new media, political discourse, and pop culture. More particularly, Dr. Alaoui’s scholarship considers how the often non-normative, un-institutionalized voices of resistance work to change their communities, and how normative or institutionalized discourses reinforce their ability to maintain power with a specific focus on North Africa. Dr. Alaoui is the author, co-author, or co-editor of numerous articles and books, including Morocco from a Colonial to a Post-Colonial Era: The Socio-Political Environment through a Grandmother’s Autoethnography (Middle East Journal of Culture & Communication 2020), Unpacking African epistemological violence: toward critical Africanness in communication studies (The Review of Communication 2021), ’You Know It’s Different in the Game Man’: Technodesiring, Technorelating, and TechnoBlackness as Analytical Modes of Queer Worldmaking in Black Mirror’s ‘Striking Vipers,’ (Journal of Homosexuality 2022).