Research Partnership
About the CAS Research Partnership
The Center for African Studies (CAS) Research Partnership pairs Stanford faculty with undergraduates to work collaboratively on innovative research projects. Faculty can apply for small grants to support their research and will provide mentorship and learning opportunities to the students they are paired with. Students will provide research assistance and other support as needed.
Faculty Proposals Open
Faculty proposals will open on October 1, 2023
Faculty are asked to submit statements of interest outlining their research projects, as well as the role undergraduate research assistants will play in supporting the project.
Faculty Proposals Due
Faculty proposals are due on December 1, 2023
Recipients will be notified no later than January 1, 2024, and a list of the selected proposals will be added to our website.
Undergraduate Applications Open
Undergraduate applications will open on January 1, 2024
After the research projects are selected, we will invite undergraduate students to apply to work on a specific project, to be mentored by the lead faculty.
Additional information for faculty
Additional information for students
If you have any questions, please contact Joel Cabrita, Susan Ford Dorsey Director of the Center for African Studies at jcabrita [at] (jcabrita[at]stanford[dot]edu).