Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Minor
The Center for African Studies seeks to specifically acknowledge Stanford students who choose to take our courses which cover a wide, interdisciplinary range of topics relating to Africa. The minor in African Studies is an interdisciplinary program that allows the participating student the opportunity to select relevant courses in various departments according to his or her interests.
Undergraduate Minor
Minor in Global Studies with African Studies Specialization
The minor in Global Studies, African Studies specialization, offers students the opportunity to complement their major course of study with an in-depth, interdisciplinary exploration of the cultures, histories, politics, religions, and societies of Africa. The minor is especially well-suited for undergraduates who plan to make service, research, or study abroad in Africa as part of their Stanford experience. Students consult with their minor adviser to develop individual programs.
Learning Outcomes
The SGS minor specialization in African Studies enables students to:
- develop critical knowledge and skills in African Studies
- organize their interest in Africa into a coherent course of study through directed mentorship and participation in an intellectual community
- prepare for research, study, or service in Africa
Upon completion of requirements, final certification of the minor is made by the Center for African Studies. The minor and the specialization appear on the transcript but they do not appear on the diploma.